Good News......................
Bad News........................
Good News.....................
Good News.....................
Good News.....................
Bad News.......................
What a great day of site seeing......... Good News!

Bad News........................
Good News.....................
Good News.....................
Good News.....................
Bad News.......................
What a great day of site seeing......... Good News!
Donald Trump even has a tower in Las Vegas
Very tired tonight. I will finish Day Six tomorrow. Night All.........
Bad News....Part won't be in 'til Thursday or Friday
Good News....Our insurance is going to cover 2/3rds Cost
Good News....Made two stops today and Shotzi did not make any messes in the car!!!!!
Good News....Found a great buffet at a new Casino
Bad News................ Easliest the part will be in is Thurday or Friday. So we won't be heading East til Friday or Saturday.
But I want to end on Good News..........God is still are pilot and we have left our schedule in His hands.
"I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation....I can do everything through him who gives me strength." Philippians 4:12-13

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