Wednesday, April 15, 2009

April 15th "Picture Catch-up"

When I last posted I told you my granddaughters were turning 3. They went to Disneyland. Here they are with Tinkerbell.

If you click on any picture they become bigger. We have landed in Charleston, South Carolina. Those pictures will be posted in a few days.

We spent a week with Don & Barb and during that time the four of us went to "THE OUTER BANKS". We stayed at Cherry Point Marine Corp Air Station.

Here is a map of The Outer Banks. We took a 2 1/2 hour ferry ride to get to our first point which was Ocracoke Island where we saw our first light house. Notice how far we are out in the Atlantic Ocean. Anyone seen the movie "The Perfect Storm"? But we enjoyed calm seas.
But the ferry ride was a little disconcerting.

Brotherly love! Don and Larry were having alot of fun teasing Barb and I about the possibility of the ferry sinking.

To get to the second light house we took a 45 minute ferry ride. These light houses are amazing and sad and the same time. Many movies have been filmed here along The Outer Banks. The homes along the drive reminded me of the homes in New Port Beach, California.

Time to head back to Fayetteville, North Carolina and Barb wanted to drive the RV. Just sitting in the seat scared her. So much for a rest for Larry.
Barb and Don said they could really get use to this. Larry is an amazing driver we all feel safe.

Back at Don & Barbs. Schotsi is finally a happy dog again. She just loves playing tug a war with Daniel, Don & Barbs (dachshund) (sp) wiener dog.

The Smith Family Picture

We sure do miss you guys! Let us know when we can pick you up at LAX.

Our Trip to DC included a side trip to The United States Naval Academy at Annapolis.

This is a picture on our navigator, showing the academy surrounded by water.

Margie's son Tom graduated from here and lived at Bancroft Hall.

These are the quarters for the various instructors.

The Chapel and all the grounds are surrounded with beautiful buildings and statues.

Probably by now you are wondering how Schotsi is getting along. We have a diagnosis. She has separation anxiety.

This is a perfect example of what Shotsi is experiencing when we leave her. And since we have to leave her at times..................

Her new expensive jail!
And her new inexpensive chewing prevention device. (Did we tell you she has chewed up 3 seat belts?) But this won't dampen our fun. OK she isn't just in jail and muzzled. We found a wonderful doggy day care that she stayed in everyday we went into Washington DC.

We took the train each day which dropped us off at Union Station.

Yes this is the inside of Union Station. Everything is done on a grand scale in DC.

Front of Union Station

This is the Jefferson Monument, Larry's favorite. And it was surrounded with Cherry Blossoms. Did you know that Japan gave over 3,000 trees to be planted in DC? And they were all in bloom while we were their.....what luck.

President Jefferson was probably the most educated president we have every had. He wrote The Declaration of Independence. Did you know he also wrote his own version of the bible, which continues to be presented to each legislator in Congress when they are sworn in. He did not change the wording of the bible he just extracted the words of Jesus which spoke to morality.
Do you think our Congress persons are reading it?????

This is Thomas Jefferson. See how big the statue is?

This is the Lincoln Monument. Lincoln is inside.

And here he is. Yep, that is me standing in the front.

Larry looking out, Lincoln behind him and the reflecting pool and the Washington Monument in front.

Remember the move Forrest Gump? He was standing on the steps of the Lincoln Monument and his girlfriend came running to him in the reflecting pool.

Here I am again with the Capital Building behind me.

This is the Korean War Veteran's Memorial. These statues where life size and made of stainless steel.

This is Arlington Cemetery with Arlington house in the back ground and Cherry tree next to President Kennedy's eternal flame.

More pictures of the Cemetery.

We had such a great time in DC and an even greater time in North Carolina with Don an Barb.


  1. poor Schotsi looks really sad that you guys put the muzzle on her

  2. Wow. You have had an amazing time. I know the girls are very anxious for you to get home. They pretend called you yesterday and had quite a long conversation about Schotsi, Freeway, and how they can't come over till after they sleep in their big girls beds. It was very cute :)

  3. Jenny, couly you fly the girls out her to Savannah? Then they can finish the rest of the trip with us. I miss them so very much!
