Thursday, February 26, 2009

Feb. 24 Tuesday, Feb. 25 Wednesday and Feb. 26 Thursday

Tuesday............. Made it to Forest City, Iowa Tuesday night. Winnebago provided RV hook-ups in their parking lot. Everything their is supported and or named after the Winnebago Indians. This town would dry up without the Winnebago Factory. This factory is huge. One square mile. The whole town is only about 2 square miles.

Wednesday.............. We had a 7am appointment to get the jack fixed on the RV. The solenoid on the right front jack shorted out. Weather report is saying snow, hail, sleet is approaching. Winnebago knew we needed to get out of this town. They finished the work by 1pm and we were off. The storm was chasing us. We heading directly south down to I70. Stayed that night at Interstate RV park near Davenport, Iowa. Couldn't fill our fresh water tank because everything was frozen. Temp was 22.

Thursday........threatening weather continues. Rain, lots of rain, hard rain…..oh no! can’t shut off windshield wipers. Lindy! Call Winnebago! They said water was probably in the wiring harness. Larry was told to do this very long procedure but yelled at me to go get his WD-40. And it worked. So lets summarize the RV issues. 1. Heater/air conditioning motor broke. 2. Leveling jack broke. 3. Frightening noise under bathroom. 4. Windshield wiper won’t shut off. BUT THIS WON’T DAMPEN OUR FUN…………………

Oh by the way tonight we are sleeping at a Walmart in Danvill, Illinois and the wind gusts are 36 plus MPH. If we live through this we will be staying a few days at Wright Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio.


  1. You guys crack me up! Have a safe trip and tell cousin Don the Smith family in Kentucky says hello! Have a safe trip!

  2. Hi Rhonda, We need to talk Don & Barb into getting into this RV and taking a trip down to see you all.

