Sunday...... Started our morning with praise and worship. Thought we would then head out to see the Air Force Museum,
But we are

Worn Out.........................

Yes we have traveled a long way, withstood extreme weather and had our share of RV fix-ups. The 18-degree temp resulted in a frozen sewer line and while Larry was fixing that he noticed that the new jack had sprung a spring. So no museum today. Lets go find some more RV parts. OK to be honest we were starting to loose touch with our trip motto (but this is not going to dampen our fun) when we were reminded who is directing this trip. "Jesus" He directed us to the following scriptures
Psalm 37:8.
So watch out Lewis & Clark, Larry and Lindy are happily back on the trail.
I talked to the twins today; they don't understand why they can't see Grandma and Grandpa. Charlotte said..........Grandma I want to see your eyes. Oh how I miss those girls.
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