As you can see it was still cold in Dayton, Ohio. We took Shotzi to a doggy day care so we could enjoy the museum without worring about her. Yes that says 9 degrees.

You know how people swear they have seen a flying UFO. Well they HAVE. Here is a picture and the layout of our very own, bought and paid for by us UFO.

You know how people swear they have seen a flying UFO. Well they HAVE. Here is a picture and the layout of our very own, bought and paid for by us UFO.

The next pictures are actually on the Base. Only people with base passes could see these planes. This plane was Kennedy's. Infact his body was brought back in it and LBJ was sworn into the presidentcy. So sad. We actually got to walk in it. Larry's favorite plane was the XB-70 and also the P-51 mustang.

We got to Pittsburgh late Wednesday night. Here is a picture of my Uncle Harry. He is 87 years old. Hi Uncle Harry. Now use your imagaination.........., he has never been married and he has never cleaned his house. So.......................we will be very busy the next few days. Probably need to call the hazmat team.
We got to Pittsburgh late Wednesday night. Here is a picture of my Uncle Harry. He is 87 years old. Hi Uncle Harry. Now use your imagaination.........., he has never been married and he has never cleaned his house. So.......................we will be very busy the next few days. Probably need to call the hazmat team.
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