Yep.....we are working our way west.
We arrived in Pensacola on Saturday and as we were searching for Pensacola Naval Air Station's RV Park we passed this beautiful Church. Yep.... that is where we will worship the Lord tomorrow. Surprisingly or should I say God ordained they had a guest speaker, Tara Brown. What a powerful testimony she shared with us. Check out her sermon at:
Only in Florida does the sand look like snow. This scene was just like in the picture books. White sand with patches of long grass reaching out. The grass is called sea oats.
And the boardwalks to get you out to this beautiful scene.
Pensacola NAS is the home to the blue angels. Just like Nellis in Las Vegas is home to the Thunderbirds. We've been so blessed to see so much.
Off we go to Biloxi, Mississippi were we stayed at Keesler Air Force Base. Did you know that Biloxi received much more damage from Katrina, 3 1/2 years ago, than New Orleans. 90% of the buildings along the coast and neighboring Gulfport were destroyed. Many of these homes were 100 year old homes. As you can see by this picture nothing on the coast has been rebuilt.
Looks like a pretty scene until you hear that beautiful homes used to literally hide the waterfront and now it is all gone. The Governor stated that after Katrina hit it looked like an American Hiroshimia. Biloxi and Gulfport are still trying to rebuild. Yes they did lose alot of material things but only lost 53 lives.
Were as in New Orleans 1,464 lives were lost. Not to wind damage from Katrina but from flooding. The levee's that surrounded much of New Orleans broke and the water level easily reached roof tops. After the water receded rescuers searched every house. A big X was painted on the house stating what they found and if the gas was turned off. Many of these homes are still there today.
This is a picture of old town New Orleans.
Beautiful Riverfront in New Orleans.
The Jazz Festival was going on. We had Shotzi so we couldn't go in. But we hear people come from all over to attend the Jass Festival.
Lots of VooDoo and Black Magic are still practiced here. We saw that also in Savannah.
I was especially fascinated by the cemeteries. New Orleans is actually below sea level, so all the bodies are placed in above ground tombs.
Schotzi spent the day at doggy day care so we could spend the day in the swamps.
We learned the difference between a canal, river and bayou.
I wonder what is under all that water?????
Looks like Larry found out. I want to hold him too!
Isn't he cute. Bet you never thought I'd hold him. And yes he is real!
Whoa! The girls would have loved that crocodile thing. Charlotte decided that her favorite animal is a snake Ewe :) Haha